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【香港Hong Kong】島民zine vol.2

NT$ 280.00


香港 坪洲 的獨立地圖小誌 
ISLANDERS島民 is a seasonal map-zine from Peng Chau that enquires into islands, their people and lifestyles to develop original perspectives on sustainable living.

zine vol.2

Nourishing Land
Walk past the main street, a soft cloak covers the island with a verdant character. In this homogenous setting, shiny mature fruits attract our attention. You might come across them at the market or a relative's table, and if you get lucky, an lslander might even hand you a papaya. In that case, accept the gift, take a bite, and savour the taste of Peng Chau.

  • 語言:繁體中文/English
  • 出版社:島民  islander


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