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熱帶果醬 Tropical jam

Tropical jams in goöod time


有機木瓜、鳳梨、芒果、百香果、土芭樂、玉女小番茄... 挑選出「真正完熟」的果實,小心翼翼的保留它們原有的氣質與果肉,再用砂糖、檸檬熬煮出滋味的層次。



The sun-drenched Kaohsiung is known for a tropical fruits paradise for all seasons in Taiwan.
The tropical fruits sourced in these jams are perfectly ripe, scented and freshly, directly from the small independent organic farms in Kaohsiung or the nearby Southern Taiwan areas. They were carefully cooked with reduced sugar, just to retain and enrich their original charm.
Hope the flavors they brings will remind you of the sunshine happiness in Kaohsiung.