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【日本Japan】Plant-based Tokyo 東京ベジ帖

NT$ 1,500.00


日本 Plant-based Tokyo 東京ベジ帖 

  • 語言:日文、英文
  • 出版社:milestaff
  • 出版日期:2019/7/16

曾經是知名電視美食節目「iron chef 料理の鉄人」製作人、致力於研究日本傳統農法與飲食的的MOMOKO NAKAMURA中村桃子的第一本著作。 這本書嚴選並深入採訪了各個商店的主人翁,介紹了他們的所作所為與背後的故事。包括那些理解蔬菜、讓蔬菜的美味好好發揮的廚師,種植蔬菜的農夫,以及那些細心管理、配送蔬菜的商家。品味四季,與自然一起律動,那些他們,與他們享受、提倡的豐富生活方式。 這本書非常適合所有享受美味蔬菜的人,而不是只是給嚴格素食者。 「與普通的指南不同,它是一本附有精美照片和設計的裝訂本。我希望你會喜歡一個生活在城市中與地球相連的人的故事。」中村桃子這麼說 是一本雙語的書籍(日語和英語),非常適合作為禮物。 ★ 有關中村桃子的介紹: https://www.momokonakamura.com/ Momoko Nakamura – more famously known as Rice Girl – is a popular Japanese author, food television producer and advocating for healthy living. Her book, PLANT-BASED TOKYO, a bilingual guide on where to eat plant-based, featuring a series of profiles and stories in the F&B scene of Japan’s bustling capital. Each chef and restaurant owner, tell their stories, revealing why they've landed in plant-based cooking, how they came to open their restaurant, and their approach to flavors and ingredients. Vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Tokyo, and across the rest of Japan, may first appear to be few and far between, but in fact, Japan has a long history of plant-based cuisine. Japanese traditionally eat a highly vegetable-centric diet. Organic, pesticide and fertilizer-free fruits and vegetables that are farmed with care, are at the heart of each restaurant's menus. Combined with fermented foods that have been passed down from generation to generation, make for a uniquely Japanese approach to plant-based cookery. Because Japan is a hyper-seasonal country, the earth's bounty evolves in accords to the poetry that is the traditional Japanese microseasonal calendar. Through PLANT-BASED TOKYO, Tokyoites as well as visitors, can be sure to find delicious, quality, thoughtful food, that most anyone can enjoy without hesitation or concern. A few of Rice Girl's favorite greengrocers and farmers markets are also noted, for those who are interested in cooking at home, or picking up gifts for friends. These are the top places to eat plant-based in Tokyo! PLANT-BASED TOKYO is a bilingual book. Both the English and Japanese are written by Rice Girl.


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